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Admisitrative Maps Germany from STIEFEL

Admisitrative Maps Germany from STIEFEL

Administrative Maps Germany from STIEFEL

-0% US$ 39.79
US$ 39.79
Austro-Hungarian monarchy

Austro-Hungarian monarchy

digital map picture book about the Austro-Hungarian monarchy

US$ 190.00
Basic facts about Austria

Basic facts about Austria

Program is only available in German language

Download E-Book
US$ 190.00
Basics of local history and geography of Germany (Only available in German)

Basics of local history and geography of Germany (Only available in German)

Basics of Germany content several topics concerning the configuration and structure of Germany. Teachers and pupils can select special information and switch it on or off. The geographical knowledge is trained with playful exercises, which facilitate the rating of dimensions and the allocation of geographical terms.

Download E-Book
US$ 190.00


This software helps you to understand and train mathematic knowledge from the elementary school level up to the secondary school system.

From  US$ 163.34


Most important information about the large religions of the world. Very easy to understand and to use for active and interactive training.

From  US$ 190.00
Das Auge interaktiv (only in German)

Das Auge interaktiv (only in German)

Dieses Lehrprogramm behandelt das Thema Auge und seine Funktionen auf fächer- und jahrgangsübergreifende Weise. Die Kombination von umfangreich bebilderten Präsentationen mit einblendbaren Textinformationen und Animationen, Videosequenzen und interaktiven Übungsformen ermöglicht eine abwechslungsreiche und lebendige Unterrichtsgestaltung. Gestalten Sie Ihren Unterricht individuell und ohne großen Zeitaufwand und binden Sie die Schüler aktiv ein – das g... More

From  US$ 163.34


digitale Lernkarte Niederösterreich

US$ 190.00
digital map pictures of Germany for presentation and orientation

digital map pictures of Germany for presentation and orientation

This package includes several thematic maps of Germany for presentation and orientation. All pictures are optimised for presentation with beamers on interactive large format boards as well as they can be used for common use on similar PC-Systems. The pictures can be enlarged and printed. All map pictures are available without text and without text in a black and white reduced picture, if it should be printed for a practise papersheet work, for example.

From  US$ 33.31
digital Mapprojektions: Europe

digital Mapprojektions: Europe

Different digital mappictures from Europe, with or without Text on the maps. The wall maps are expedient for screen, beamer or boardpresentations. It is possible to enlarge and print the map pictures.

From  US$ 33.31
digital Wallmaps of the World

digital Wallmaps of the World

several digital Wallmaps of the World for work and presentation with monitors and beamers. maps can be enlarged and printed. for own map work, maps can be shown wiithout text inside with colours as well as in black and white style.

From  US$ 33.31
Digitales Buch - Entwicklung der Menschheit

Digitales Buch - Entwicklung der Menschheit

Die Wandkarte: "Entwicklung der Menschheit" als digitales Bilderbuch, zum Durchblättern. Aufgrund der hohen Bildqualität auch hervorragend zur Präsentation über Beamer an Whiteboards geeignet, unterstützt Sie dieses Produkt hervorragend bei der Erarbeitung des Themas im Unterricht.

US$ 190.00
Digitales Kartenbuch - Nordrhein - Westfalen in Europa und der Welt FLUXPLAYERVARIANTE (plattformunabhängig)

Digitales Kartenbuch - Nordrhein - Westfalen in Europa und der Welt FLUXPLAYERVARIANTE (plattformunabhängig)

Die Viererkarte: " Nordrhein-Westfalen in Deutschland, Europa und der Welt" als übersichtliches digitales Kartenbilderbuch zum Durchblättern, Seite für Seite. Aufgrund der hohen Bildqualität hervorragend zur Präsentation über Beamer an Whiteboards geeignet, unterstützt Sie dieses Produkt effektiv bei der Erarbeitung des Themas im Unterricht.

US$ 12.99
Dino ABC

Dino ABC

Lern to spell with Dino. First an image appears with its name in the right spelling, then it's your turn. Can you find the right letters? Be careful, there are wrong letters, too! Dino is happy about every solved word. Kids of primary school learn easily how to spell the names of fruits, vegetables and animals. The whole application is bilingual in English (British English) and German... More

From  US$ 118.57
Dino ABC

Dino ABC

Lern to spell with Dino. First an image appears with its name in the right spelling, then it's your turn. Can you find the right letters? Be careful, there are wrong letters, too! Dino is happy about every solved word. Kids of primary school learn easily how to spell the names of fruits, vegetables and animals. The whole application is bilingual in English (British English) and Germ... More

From  US$ 33.31